Old Cotswold Legbar

Old Cotswold Legbar - oil on panel, 230mmx120mm

Old Cotswold Legbar – oil on panel, 230mm x 120mm © 2013


Eggs as a still-life is a trope almost as old as the still-life genre itself. However it seems that most modern versions of this formula use eggs unmarked by today’s standards of health & safety, which denuded eggs I’ve never seen since mine always come from a supermarket.

That and plus the beautiful colours of the crown stamp & the use-by-date on these Old Cotswold Legbar eggs are the reason I included them.

Evelyn Waugh (whom I have a bit of a thing for) managed to sneak into the painting also – who am I to refuse him that honour?

As ever, click images to embiggen.

Email me for availabilitysold.


Detail #1:

Old Cotswold Legbar - 230mm x 120mm, Detail 1


Detail #2:

Old Cotswold Legbar - 230mm x 120mm, Detail 3


Detail #3:

Old Cotswold Legbar - 230mm x 120mm, Detail 2

One Response to “Old Cotswold Legbar”

  1. Sharon says:

    Awesome, stunning painting!

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