
H -Hour & D -Day – and so it begins anew. This blog takes over the previous incarnation, from which I took a rest for over a year whilst my painting went through somewhat of a transitional stage. I still have those what nearly 5 years worth of posts, archived away and I may, in the future, re-instate some of the better ones – for posterity, for nostalgia and of course to cringe unbelievably at how I used to be.

2 Responses to “Restart”

  1. Us says:

    You haven’t time to be writing blogs Mr Kapka, crack on and get oil on panel, tout sweet, and stop watching so many films – couch potatoes eventually go to seed!

  2. The devil on your shoulder says:

    Well how exiting is this. At an average of one per 5 days I cant wait to see the finished results in the Cathedral. Good Luck and God speed with the paintings.

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