
BP Catalogues


Wow! So to be honest the whole B.P. Portrait Award Private Press View and then Official Opening was amazing and busy and overwhelming and fantastic. So much so was it all four of those things that I haven’t even got around to thinking about it all let alone being able to process it or even attempt write any of my experiences down

Amongst many flabbergasting moments however, seeing this enormous pile of catalogues ready for purchasing (of which my lens could only fit this many in shot) had to be the most stop-in-my-tracks-and-stare one. I knew my picture was going to be on the cover after being told by the lovely Michelle Greaves of the N.P.G. which fact I was already school-girl excited about, but seeing it like this was something else! I even got a free copy! (To go with the one I’d already bought and alongside the on my partner bought. I think I might even have one arrive in the post which I paid for upon entry to the competition earlier in the year.) Hell, I was even asked to sign a couple of them – it was great!


5 Responses to “Flabbergasted”

  1. Gabrielle Roberts-Dalton says:

    I love it, a dream to find yourself published….not something you’ll ever forget, especially being such an important exhibition :) Congratulations!!!

  2. Jade Chappell says:

    Hi Greg
    Just thought I’d drop you a message – firstly, apologising for not recognising you the other week at the Gallery (Lincoln), I normally have a fantastic memory for peoples faces – but not on this occasion!
    It’s great to see you doing so well – you’re an Artist I’ll certainly be keeping my eye on.
    If you ever need an ageing, tired looking old chap with large fluffy hair as a sitter – just give me a shout ;)
    All the best – Jade

  3. Well done, you! I always knew you would get there, all those years ago, following your blog. Have you taken it all off? Those wonderful life paintings? Anyway, you deserve mega success. and this is just the beginning.

  4. ps, love the painting of Frazer!

  5. Lorraine says:

    Hi Greg – its been a long long time. But I thought I must comment on how well you are doing. Well done. Talent always wins, and you always had it – Lorraine

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