
Aiden (Colour Study for BP) 200mm x 150mm

Aiden (Colour Study) – oil on panel, 200mm x 150mm © 2013


A portrait idea I’d had & wanted to do for sometime was made possible by my friend offering to pose and the weather – at just the right time – being dreadful. What resulted was some really grey, washed out colours that had hardly any chroma at all. Now, I love painting low-chroma type things, especially flesh since so many key it up too high but this portrait was about as low-chroma as flesh could get before it essentially becomes as though in black & white. (Here, the small amount of blue in the background adds immeasurable amounts of warmth to the flesh, by dint of the contrast) As such, a colour study was in order to get some practice, and thus this.

As ever, click images to embiggen

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Detail Shot:

Aiden Study (detail) - oil on panel, 50mm x 50mm


Macro shot of eye (about 3mm tall!):



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